Answers to Questions....
Hey, I still don't know how to answer questions that people ask me on my blog, so I will just blog them. Let's see....all the way back to Halloween, the costumes came from Old Navy-$13 each. Dora was never recovered, but our toilet is currently working. Carly's dog is named Cookie. Talon opened the door to pee outside (that's a story all its own, Nanny 911 where are you) seeing Cookie sitting on the porch was too much for him to resist. He was very proud of himself. Cookie is a purebred, inbred (brother and sister) blue heeler-hence his border collie look. (must of come from his gggggrandfather) I would have loved one of your puppies Bonnie, I was hoping Mike would bring one home. Cookie was the last puppy of one of Carly's friends; Cookie's sister lives two doors down. (= I think that about sums it up. Blogging is fun, I can't always post a comment on everyone elses though. Still trying to figure that one out.
Thanks for the answers. It is fun hearing about your family. Sorry we didn't know you wanted a puppy. I wanted to keep them all in the family. Oh well!
We would all love to see you in comment land. Call if you need help figuring it out!
Again, POOR COOKIE!!! And EEEWWWWWWW!!!! :-)
Ya, thanks for answering the questions even from way back when!
Ewww about the pee and ewww about the inbred purebred. Still makes a cute cookie though.
If you want to answer a question in a post, you just click on your own "comment" and add your answer or addition. If you want anymore help with say, a new template or ANYTHING, let let me or the pro (Bonbon)know. There are lots of little things that ADD a ton. Here is one little tip that I love. When you leave a comment on someone's blog, there is a little box you can check that says "Email follow-up comments to (and then it says your email account.) It will send you any comments made by anyone and you don't have to go and look it up. Great time saver!
I just gave you my little tip and then didn't do it. I'll try again!
My computer has a permanent error and wont let me send you an email. I just wanted to let you know chantra has her own blog.
Yaa. Send her lots of comment love if you have time! See ya.
Andrew peed off the balcony at the Washington DC temple visitors center when he was 3. We couldnt get to him in time to stop him. It happened right next to the reflecting pool.
Okay, Shellbell, I would die! So far, I haven't had that problem...knock on wood! Yikes! :-)
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