Sunday, February 10, 2008

Vinegar, a moms best friend

Talon, my sweet little handful loves to, and I mean LOVES to say the naughtiest things. Thanks to his big brothers he can speak and understand Spanish, well at least all the swear words in Spanish. The cure to this infectious disease????? Vinegar-all it took was two times getting vinegar, and Talon was cured. Now he is the police. I said dumb today and Talon said, "mom, we have vinegar". If someone else gets a dose of vinegar he giggles with glee. HOWEVER, he does ask EVERYWHERE we go, "does church have vinegar?", "does Aunt Chantra have vinegar?", "does Walmart have vinegar?" you get the idea. Thanks Tamster for the vinegar tip, it really works!!


Blogger JerBear & Co. said...

You need to thatnk PiP because I got the idea from her.

February 10, 2008 at 4:22 PM  
Blogger DrGooch said...

C'mere Talon. Wanna uncle Paul to learn you some Cambodian?

February 10, 2008 at 7:41 PM  
Blogger Bonnie said...

You better add it to your food storage. We gotta make sure there will be plenty come hard times. We can't be loosing him to the dark side just as things start to get exciting!

February 10, 2008 at 7:59 PM  
Blogger Here at home said...

Uncle Cory knows Russian, too, Talon.

February 10, 2008 at 8:59 PM  
Blogger Tamster said...

I know at least one German one, not that I would ever use it, mind you, or teach it to such a sweet boy! :-)
You're welcome, Cindy, for the tip, but like Jeremy said, it is really PiP who deserves the credit as she passed it on to us! :-)

February 10, 2008 at 9:20 PM  
Blogger HuckFinnsMom said...

Hey, I still remember some naughty navajo words that Danny Tsosie taught me. If I were to use one of them, I would call your new horse a "chonsee" recycler. Can't guarantee the spelling on that one.

February 11, 2008 at 5:51 AM  
Blogger DrGooch said...

Hey, I remember "Chauncy" too!

Mom always used soap. I remember in Santequin calling Mike an SOB in front of her because I didn't know that it was a swear word--just knew how to use it. That was my first taste of soap. Guess soap didn't taste bad enough to permanently cure me....

February 11, 2008 at 6:19 AM  
Blogger HuckFinnsMom said...

As I have said before, I think the main thing that was used on us was tobasco sauce, which I think would explain the addiction you seem to have for any and every kind of hot sauce. I may or may not be implying that you recieved a steady supply of the stuff, everyone is free to draw their own conclusions. Yes, I do remember soap, and yes it was effective, but I think the tobasco sauce was a little like the brer rabbit story. Please, mom, no! Don't give me tobasco sauce, anything but tobasco sauce, I can't take, I can't stand it. It's toooooo hot, Pleeeeez don't make me, no, no!!! And of course, sweet mom, in her desire to teach you lesson after leasson after lesson, would hunker down and fill your mouth with your worst nightmare. Or so she thought, and as the story goes, Paul becomes the inventor of many a famous hot sauce. And I can just about guarantee his kids do NOT get tobasco for swearing, maybe for Christmas and birthdays, but not for swearing!

February 11, 2008 at 6:37 AM  

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